Social Issues

One thing that blind people have a big problem with is body language. This can effect a person�s appearance or approach to other people, which can prevent them from having friends. In normal conversation, there is a lot of body language, which we tend to miss. Sighted people can start a conversation or attract someone�s attention by smiling at them, but someone who has no vision or who can�t see very well would miss this. Another major problem is not being able to see who you are talking to. People look at the person they are directing their comments to, but a blind person can�t pick this up. This results in either ignoring the person without realising it, or talking out of turn, or answering a question which wasn�t directed to them. Teachers tend to notify people that they can speak by nodding at them or glancing at them. Most of the time, I miss this. Some relief teachers think I�m dumb because of this. My teachers sometimes forget. The solution for this is for them to say the person�s name instead of nodding at them. But people forget this, and people who you have just met, don�t realise that they have to do this.

Just because someone is blind, doesn�t mean that they are unable to have a relationship. Vision impaired people can get married and have children just like everyone else. Even though someone is vision impaired and can�t see, doesn�t mean that they can�t be attracted to someone. It can be by voice, or just the personality of the person and the image that they portray. Voice is very important. I don�t know wherther this is so for sighted people. I, personally, tend to like English or Scottish accents. I do know sighted people that like these accents too, even though they can see.

My point is, just because someone can�t see, doesn�t mean they are unable to have feelings towards another person.

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